Authorized Approver Lookup Tool

This tool may be used to look-up the authorized approvers for expense reimbursements, Accounts Payable requests (Honorarium, Revenue Refund, Scholarship, etc.), non-PO based invoices (Sodexo catering, Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc.), and blanket PO invoices that require a Unit Org for payment.

  • Org L5 (Department Level) approvers are assigned reimbursement expense approval authority within the Mason Finance Gateway (MFG).
  • Higher-level Unit approvers are provided greater approval authority as a higher level for a Unit.
  • Sponsored Fund approvers are the Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigator defined on the sponsored fund/grant.
  • Non-sponsored Fund approvers are assigned authority over specific non-Sponsored Funds for the Unit.

Sorry, no authorized approver found for this FUND/ORG code.
FUND-ORG CodeDescriptionAuthorizationUser NameNETID

The results will show the named approver(s). All requests for Org approver updates must be submitted by the Unit Financial Manager/Director or Chief Business Officer through the Level 5 Approver request form. Requests for Higher-level Unit approver updates should be sent to
Sponsored Fund approvers may not be changed and questions on these approvers should be directed to